

Professional aluminum CNC machining


Customized aluminum alloy processing

Customized aluminum alloy processing is based on the provided customer drawings. We offer mold analysis and feasibility assessments to shorten the sampling time and increase the product development success rate. By integrating diverse aluminum alloy manufacturing processes, we aim to reduce overall development costs.
Han Chang Technology Co., provide advance CNC machining and stamping for aluminum products like aluminum extrusions enclosure, aluminum/copper heatsink aluminum panels, aluminum brackets, in different industrial field. Our CNC machining process include all types of turning, boring, broaching and more. With full variety of fixturing options, metal stamping, drilling, clinching and surface treatment process enable us to offer suitable solutions for our clients when they meet any problems in the fabrication process. Our strength is to solve problem for our client with not only CNC machining, but also Aluminum extrusion, sheet metal fabrication, aluminum stamping and die casting. We are a full service provider of aluminum manufacturing, if you are looking for a trustworthy supplier, please give us a chance and get us involved early and we will meet your requirement with satisfaction.


Han Chang テクノロジーは、提供された図面に基づいてカスタマイズされたアルミニウム合金加工を提供します。私たちは、詳細な金型分析と実現可能性評価から始め、サンプリング時間を短縮し、製品開発の成功率を向上させます。さまざまなアルミニウム合金製造プロセスを取り入れることで、クライアントの全体的な開発費用を削減し、プロジェクトの予算とタイムラインを確実に満たすことを目指しています。


Han Changは、先進技術と30年の経験を持つワンストップのアルミニウム製造ソリューションを顧客に提供しており、Han Changは各顧客の要求に応えています。